Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is Our Heart at Peace with God?

Guard your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

What is in your heart? Is your heart at peace with God? Don't you know that our heart is like soil? It soaks up whatever has been planted into it. Are we guarding our hearts? Is our heart at peace with God? I'm pretty sure we know what that means. We've had situations where there was tension between you and someone else. We can recognize that tension or bad vibe. Do you recognize that same vibe between you and God?
Guarding our hearts: there are 3 gateways to our heart, the eyes, ears and mouth. There is also another gateway, the company that we keep.
Eyes: we should be aware of what we set before our eyes. When we see certain things we start to have a desire for it or begin to act upon it (Psalm 101 verse 3)
Ears: what are we listening to that is being planted into our hearts? Could it be the music, gossip, lies, cursing, etc. I'm pretty sure we know music can be influential. Music sets the atmosphere, right? Who wants to hear Gucci when it's time to make love :) What you hear changes how you feel. You ever had someone talk negatively to you about another person and it changed your feelings toward that person and they haven't even done anything to you. don't lie.
Mouth: the words that come out of our mouths can be a dangerous thing. The tongue is small but dangerous (James 3 verses 6, 9-10) What we hear others say can be dangerous too. Have you ever hung around someone and they kept cursing and eventually you began cursing. because we didn't turn away from it. we allowed it to soak in.
Company we keep: I don't care what you say, we know that we can allow others to influence us. It can be a good influence or a bad influence that depends on the person. People can change you. It could be a friend, family member, spouse, mate, co-worker, etc. Who is influencing you?

What is it or who is causing our hearts not to be at peace with God. What are those issues of life that is coming out of your heart? Is it evil thoughts, fornication, greed, pride, wickedness, etc? (Mark 7 verse 20-23) Don't blame your issues on satan. Look into your heart.

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